About the Webinar
Whether you’re stuck in middle management, stalled in mid-career, or mulling over a major career change, sometimes the proverbial glass ceiling feels very real indeed — a barrier keeping you from fulfilling your potential.
This webinar will share research-based lessons from the Kick Some Glass book to empower you to break through your glass ceiling and guide you toward understanding what you really want, what your definition of success is, what your values are, and how to set the goals to reach your potential.
Key takeaways include tips to:
- Live your intention and design a meaningful life at any stage;
- Get comfortable with your personal power and understand what it means;
- Decide if it’s time to reinvent your career — and prepare for your next move; and
- Create your own definition of success — and make it happen for you.
Audience: Motivated working women who want to stop following someone else’s rules and take charge of their own success.