Emotional Intelligence Training for Leaders

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Can Make or Break Employee Engagement and Productivity

Emotionally intelligent leadership brings out the best in people.

Whether we’re at home or at work, our emotions are woven into our every interaction. They influence how we react to challenges and opportunities. They determine whether or not we collaborate to resolve conflict. They prompt our willingness to forgive ourselves and others.

And as we move through our days, our emotions play a role in the amount of effort we demonstrate, our psychological health, and our moods.

Emotional intelligence is defined as our capacity to be aware of, to control, and to express these emotions. The ability to connect emotionally with employees is essential for leadership effectiveness. In part, that’s because the way a leader makes people feel can impact engagement, as well as productivity.

Individuals at every level in an organization benefit from emotionally intelligent leadership, as it yields greater employee commitment and engagement, productivity, and profitability.

Our research has found that managers who show more empathy toward their direct reports are viewed as better performers in their jobs by their bosses and their teams. But when leaders lack critical people skills, employees experience more daily stress, dissatisfaction, and disengagement — and productivity plummets.

Our evidence-based development solutions, including emotional intelligence training for leaders, help to foster greater self-awareness, empathy, and active listening skills, while also helping to build cultures of greater psychological safety and inclusion.

Upskill Your Team With Emotional Intelligence Training for Leaders

Bring Out the Best in Your People With Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

Emotional intelligence leadership training develops these 4 key skills among managers:

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management
  • Social awareness
  • Relationship management

Foster employee engagement and productivity at your organization by equipping your team with emotional intelligence leadership training. We can deliver our world-class, research-backed emotional intelligence content to them — or you can.

You Can Deliver Our Emotional Intelligence Training for Leaders, or We Can

You Deliver

We can equip your facilitators to deliver an internal emotional intelligence leadership training, either online or in person, whichever you prefer:

Let’s talk about leveraging our proven content on emotionally intelligent leadership in a custom development initiative at your organization

We Deliver

Or, we can incorporate emotional intelligence training as part of a larger development initiative for leaders at your organization:

Combine emotional intelligence training with other topic modules and interactive experiences into a customized learning journey for your people leaders

Our highly personalized leadership programs build greater self-awareness and offer emotional intelligence training for leaders at every level of the organization

What Our Clients Are Saying

Organizations who have partnered with us to deliver emotional intelligence training for leaders consistently tell us the same thing: their experience with CCL made a significant impact on their culture — and their bottom line.

But don’t just take our word for it — take theirs.

“I am very aware of the importance of emotional intelligence … but I have challenges putting it into practice, especially when it comes to feeling negative emotions or having to have challenging conversations. This was a great session … excellent information and resources!”

Virtual Session Attendee

“Outstanding presentation on emotional intelligence with a great deal of information that can be immediately applied to support a more ready and resilient workforce.”

Virtual Session Attendee

Let’s Discuss Emotional Intelligence Leadership Training at Your Organization

Our experts are here to help. Let’s have a conversation about emotional intelligence training for leaders at your organization and how our content on emotionally intelligent leadership could help to support your development initiatives.

Emotionally Intelligent Leadership: Research & Resources

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Empathetic leaders have been shown to be more successful. Learn why empathy in the workplace matters and how leaders and organizations can demonstrate and foster more empathy.

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Everyone has the capacity for interpersonal savvy — building working relationships with colleagues, superiors, and direct reports. Here’s how to boost it.

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Do you need to improve your effectiveness as a leader? Whether you’re a CEO or a schoolteacher, relationship skills matter a lot. Here’s why and how leaders are building relationship skills at work.

Other Topics Related to Emotional Intelligence Training for Leaders

Package our research-backed emotional intelligence leadership training content with other proven development topics and solutions for a customized, scalable solution perfect for your organization’s unique needs, context, and culture. Related topics include: