How Heat Experiences Accelerate Learning

On Demand

Duration: 1 hour

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How Heat Experiences Accelerate Learning

On Demand

Duration: 1 hour

On Demand

Duration: 1 hour

About the Webinar

In today’s volatile and fast-paced business environment, “trial by fire” can be an effective way to help leaders learn to think and act more quickly, preparing them for the next level of responsibility. In fact, some organizations are boldly using extremely challenging stretch assignments — what we call “heat experiences” — combined with targeted, tailored support as a way to accelerate their leadership development.

What makes an experience “hot?” When the challenge is unfamiliar and there are many unknowns, when an issue is complex with many stakeholders and competing demands, or when there is a high level of risk, heat levels rise.

Too much heat can leave workers feeling burnt out and overwhelmed — but not enough, and ambitious leaders will feel bored and disengaged. Just the right amount, combined with appropriate support, can determine whether an experience is debilitating or developmental.

In this webinar, we’ll share real-world examples of how heat experiences can accelerate learning for leaders, helping them improve how they respond in high-stress, high-stakes situations. Join us to learn:

  • The 3 levels of heat experiences and the support and development needs associated with each;
  • How to identify the appropriate level of heat for your organization’s leaders;
  • Ways to recognize when you or your team is going through a heat experience;
  • Warning signs that indicate a leader or team is “overheating;”
  • The role of deliberate practice and a safe-to-fail environment in increasing heat tolerance; and
  • Which types of experiential learning develop heat readiness the fastest.

Whether you’re a manager in the midst of a stressful stretch assignment, an executive preparing your organization for transformation, or an HR leader seeking to accelerate learning, join us to explore how heat can develop future-ready leaders.

You can learn more about how heat experiences accelerate learning with customized leadership development tailored to your organization’s unique context and culture.

Your Host

Chris Watz
Chris Watz, MBA
Former Senior Faculty

Based on insights from his own leadership heat experiences spanning over 40 countries, Chris became fascinated with how to push boundaries to develop leaders faster and deeper. During his time at CCL, he worked with Fortune 500 and other fast-growth companies who need to transform how they lead to keep pace with change.

Based on insights from his own leadership heat experiences spanning over 40 countries, Chris became fascinated with how to push boundaries to develop leaders faster and deeper. During his time at CCL, he worked with Fortune 500 and other fast-growth companies who need to transform how they lead to keep pace with change.

Chris Watz
Chris Watz, MBA
Former Senior Faculty

Based on insights from his own leadership heat experiences spanning over 40 countries, Chris became fascinated with how to push boundaries to develop leaders faster and deeper. During his time at CCL, he worked with Fortune 500 and other fast-growth companies who need to transform how they lead to keep pace with change.

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At the Center for Creative Leadership, our drive to create a ripple effect of positive change underpins everything we do. For 50+ years, we've pioneered leadership development solutions for everyone from frontline workers to global CEOs. Consistently ranked among the world's top providers of executive education, our research-based programs and solutions inspire individuals in organizations across the world — including 2/3 of the Fortune 1000 — to ignite remarkable transformations.