Paradox & Polarity Management Training

Leadership Paradox & Polarity: A New Way to Look at Business Challenges

Learn to recognize when conflicting ideas aren’t either/or, but both/and.

Effective leadership requires learning to manage polarities. Leaders can’t only focus on one strategy and pursue that relentlessly, without also planning for and considering the potential downsides of that focus. Too much on one side of the equation would cause the pendulum to shift too far one way or another.

So for example, when facing a question like, Should we focus on growth or efficiency? The answer is likely to be: Yes, focus on both.

This is what we can leadership polarities — also described as a paradox, conundrum, or contradiction — a dilemma that’s ongoing, unsolvable, and contains seemingly opposing ideas.

To be effective, managers must be able to recognize and handle leadership polarities, meaning they need to be able to see both perspectives clearly and at the same time, and to learn how to work through their respective ebbs and flows. Complex issues are rarely either/or, and you don’t have to pick “sides.”

This both/and thinking isn’t easy, but it stems from the reality that not everything is just another problem to solve. It’s a polarity to manage.

Equip your leaders with our paradox and polarity management training and they’ll be better prepared to recognize and lead your organization through the both/and complexities of today’s world.

Upskill Your Team With Leadership Paradox & Polarity Management Training

Enable Your Leaders to Avoid Unnecessary Conflicts & Produce Better Results

Using polarity management training, leaders can learn a process to better understand and respond to issues that don’t have fixed solutions:

  • Articulate two “poles” that seem to be competing or at odds
  • Look at the potential positive results (as well as the negatives)
  • Explore the drawbacks or fears related to over-emphasizing one or the other
  • Find solutions that are both/and rather than either/or.

Start equipping your team leaders with skills to manage leadership paradox through polarity management training. We can deliver research-based content on leadership paradox and polarity management to them — or you can.

You Can Deliver Our Leadership Paradox & Polarity Content, or We Can

You Deliver

We can equip your facilitators to deliver a workshop on polarity management training either online or in person, whichever you prefer:

Let’s talk about how you can leverage this proven leadership program content on paradox and polarity in a custom internal development initiative

We Deliver

Or, we can incorporate leadership paradox & polarity as part of a larger leadership development initiative for your organization:

Combine with other topic modules and interactive experiences into a customized learning journey for your leaders

Our highly personalized leadership programs prepare leaders to address common challenges with polarity and paradox 

Let’s Discuss the Leadership Paradox & Polarity Management Training for Your Organization

Our experts are here to help. Let’s have a conversation about the leadership polarities and paradoxes that affect your organization and how our polarity management training content could help support your development initiatives.

Leadership Polarities: Research & Resources

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Sometimes leaders think they have a problem. Really, they’re faced with a polarity: an ongoing dilemma that feels unsolvable. How can leaders identify and handle workplace polarities?

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Conflicting demands and “either/or” tensions are the norm for many managers. Use these 2 techniques — Polarity Mapping® and Duality Mapping — to help you and your organization better understand and manage paradox.

Other Topics Related to Leadership Paradox & Polarity

Package our research-based content on leadership paradox & polarity with other proven leadership development topics for a customized, scalable leadership polarity management training solution that’s perfect for your organization’s unique needs, context, and culture. Related topics include: