Networks, Networking & Political Skill

people discussing the importance of leaders having a network perspective

Having a network perspective will help you be a more effective leader. Strong leadership networks can strengthen your entire organization.

Content About Networks, Networking & Political Skill

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Having a network perspective will enable you to be a more effective leader. And strong networks and leadership can strengthen your entire organization, too. Discover how to build a network perspective.

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Mentoring and sponsoring are important — particularly for women as they advance in their careers. To advance, women need a network of champions to guide them. Learn why mentoring and sponsoring are important.

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Leadership networking is about developing networks to build relationships and strengthen alliances to help meet your own and your organization’s goals. Discover 6 networking rules for leaders.

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Some dislike organizational politics, while others see it as a necessary evil. Learn what you need to be politically savvy and why political skill matters to your effectiveness as a leader.

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Our analysis of leadership development interviews found that women leaders are almost as likely to chalk up their successes to “luck” as they are to say that they worked hard for them. Here’s how to change the way you think and reframe your leadership narrative.