First-Time Manager Training Course: CCL Boost™

Teach the Secrets of a Successful Transition to Management

Support new managers with a self-paced, online first-time manager training course to help them develop the leadership skills and confidence needed to succeed in their new roles.

Making the jump from individual contributor to manager is a transition that every leader must make, but becoming a first-time manager can be challenging. New leaders need to reconsider the way they think about success. The skills, knowledge, and perspectives that helped them get their new leadership role are not necessarily what will help them excel or advance once they become people leaders.

Too many first-time managers get no support in this transition and struggle in their new roles, and their teams suffer as a result. Data supports this:

  • 60% report not receiving development
  • 50% are rated as “ineffective” by their superiors
  • 40% fail within the first 18 months
Our video-based first-time manager training course can help.

New managers & emerging leaders


Online, video-based


6 hours




Varies; rolling enrollment


Boost Your First-Time Managers’ Chances of Success

Support Them With Our New Manager Training Course

Our new manager course, CCL Boost™ for New Leaders, is an online, self-paced training that helps this critical, inexperienced population of leaders understand the skills needed to transition effectively into a management role.

Becoming a manager for the first time can be difficult. Some of the most common challenges that new managers face include:

  • Adjusting to managing others and leveraging authority
  • Developing managerial and personal effectiveness
  • Leading team achievement
  • Managing internal stakeholders and politics
  • Driving performance and accountability
  • Resolving conflict and enhancing communication

Participants in our first-time manager training learn the 6 essential shifts they must make to succeed and discover research-based tactics they can use on the job to attain immediate success in their new role. It also provides actionable, practical advice and examples.
This course’s format is focused on effective, dynamic, bite-sized learning, with 3 steps:

  • Watch: Video case studies showing successful tactics to try
  • Read: Assignments for practice and actionable tips, tools, and tactics to try as they make the shift from individual contributor to new leader
  • Reflect: Guided reflection activities to develop your skills, review their effectiveness, and improve your future actions.

Why Choose Our New Manager Course?

CCL Boost™ delivers our world-class, research-driven leadership development through an intuitive, self-paced online learning platform. 

Like our other new manager courses, CCL Boost™ for New Leaders is a research-backed and impactful training for first-time managers. Learning is reinforced through a variety of ways, including video case studies, thought-provoking reflection exercises, and practice assignments. New managers receive downloadable resources, practical tools, job aids, and actionable tips to apply immediately in their new role.

CCL Boost™ for New Leaders

Location Tuition
Online - Global $250 USD

Alternative Options & Formats:

Multiple participants?
Scale-up options available for organizations wishing to offer multiple first-time managers access to this first-time manager course, or license this new manager training program for their organizations. Contact us for more details.

What Our Clients Are Saying

At CCL, we measure success by lives touched and impact made. That’s why the organizations we work with and the leaders we transform consistently tell us the same thing: their experience with us is a game-changer when becoming a first-time manager, and beyond. Our new manager course has helped to transform first-time managers into successful team leaders at many organizations.

But don’t just take our word for it — take theirs.

“I learned more about myself as an individual and a leader after going through this experience. One of the greatest things I learned from this course was figuring out how to flip my mindset and become that leader/manager that my direct reports trust and want to work for.”

CCL Boost Participant

“I appreciated the depth of the program and how it delved into each “flip” citing specific things to work on and address as a new leader. It was helpful to find out that a lot of new leaders struggle with the same types of things.”

CCL Boost Participant

“I was surprised how right on it was about becoming a leader and what can happen if you don’t flip your script. I thought I was the only one who had experienced these things… Good to know I’m not the only one!”

CCL Boost Participant

“I had several aha moments while watching the videos and reading the articles which related to my past/present experience. Hearing personal stories from others made me realize I’m not alone in this journey.”

CCL Boost Participant

Need More Information?

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Let’s Discuss How Our New Manager Course Can Help Your First-Time Leaders Succeed

Our experts are here to help. Let’s have a conversation about how our new manager courses and programs can help support your organization’s newest leaders.

Becoming a First-Time Manager: Research & Resources

Replace Type

Are you a new manager stuck in the mindset of an individual contributor? Get tips on how to be a leader at work and flip your script to be a more effective and well-liked boss.

Replace Type

New managers must understand the difference in being a boss vs. a leader, because their leadership effectiveness affects the success of their whole team.

Frequently Asked Questions About First-Time Manager Training

A first-time manager program like CCL Boost™ for First-Time Leaders can be beneficial to your organization because it helps a critical, inexperienced population of leaders understand the skills needed to transition effectively into a management role. An immersive training program will help them adjust to managing others and leverage authority, develop managerial effectiveness, lead team achievement, manage internal stakeholders, drive performance and accountability, and resolve conflicts by enhancing communication. 

Participants who take our self-paced first-time manager training course will learn the 6 essential shifts they must make to succeed. They will also discover research-based tactics they can use on the job to attain success in their new role, and they will be given actionable and practical advice and examples.

Oftentimes, first-time managers do not get the support or training they need to succeed, and they struggle in their new leadership roles. First-time managers need research-driven leadership development training that provides practical tools, job aids, and actionable tips to apply immediately, setting them up for success.

More questions? Our experts are here to help. Let’s have a conversation!